I started with the Mansion Maid based on the art on a Loungefly bag I had. I could already see how the character would move and touches I wanted to add, such as the ghost on the tomb stone fading in and out to view.

Adding my own touches also lead to creating art that didn't already exist in the bag style. One of my favorite scenes in the Portrait Corridor, so I decided to recreate the portrait of Medusa.

Another favorite scene in the Haunted Mansion is the stretching room, with the scene of The Tightrope Walker being the one I love the most.

In an online group that I am in, someone shared a rough sketch for a Tower of Terror bag they wish existed. With their permission, I asked if I could recreate their design. They were pleased with the recreation that I made, and so was I.

After making the Tower of Terror bag, I started to think about other bags I wish existed, and one of those bags included a bag for my favorite Disney park: EPCOT. The funny thing about this design is the final result is so far off from where I started, but I love where it ended up. Initially I wanted to incorporate the iconic EPCOT Ball and the countries, however as I played around with the design I decided to add the monorail. Then I remembered the beautiful flowers that are all around the park, and decided to go more for a flower and garden vibe.

A must see attraction for me is the Carousel of Progress. I am very charmed by its story telling, and look through the decades, and vison of the future. When I started the design I knew I wanted to incorporate the rotating motion, and so I began to design the bag around that idea. The show building for the Carousel of Progress is very colorful, so I wanted to make sure that there were many colors present in this bag.

This may sound strange, but the design for this bag literally came to me in a dream. In my dream I was sorting through and organizing some paperwork, when suddenly I had an idea for a Moon Knight themed bag. In my dream I sketched out the design, and when I woke up I recreated the dream sketch and brought the bag design to life. However, I couldn't just do Moon Knight, so I added a Mr. Knight bag design as well.

I plan on continuing to make these in my free time as I find it very fun and relaxing. Coming up with the designs and then bringing them to life feels like solving a puzzle.